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Robust and Multifunctional Kirigami Electronics with Tough and Permeable Aramid Nanofiber Framework

Dr Lizhi Xu of Department of Mechanical Engineering and his team had worked on the research for the topic “Robust and Multifunctional Kirigami Electronics with a Tough and Permeable Aramid Nanofiber Framework”. The research was recently published by Advanced Materials on December 16, 2022.

Details of the publication:

Robust and Multifunctional Kirigami Electronics with a Tough and Permeable Aramid Nanofiber Framework (Adv. Mater. 50/2022)

Hongzhen Liu, Hegeng Li, Zuochen Wang, Xi Wei, Hengjia Zhu, Mingze Sun, Yuan Lin, Lizhi Xu, Article in Advanced Materials,


Kirigami designs are advantageous for the construction of wearable electronics but suitable materials that enable robust and multifunctional systems remain limited. In article number 2207350, Lizhi Xu and co-workers report a versatile materials platform based on a composite nanofiber framework (CNFF) for the engineering of wearable kirigami electronics. The resultant devices exhibit outstanding mechanical robustness to withstand extensive 3D deformation. Various microelectronic sensors and electroactive polymers are integrated onto the CNFF-based materials platform to achieve measurements of physiological parameters.

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