Propagation And Runup Of Tsunami On A Continental Shelf Of Gentle Slope
Prof. Hua Liu
Department of Engineering Mechanics
Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Date & Time
Wednesday, 13 February 2019
2:30 am
Room 7-37, Haking Wong Building, HKU
Under the combined action of nonlinearity and dispersion of surface wave, tsunami holds various patterns of wave profiles in offshore region after propagating over a continental shelf of gentle slope. The fully nonlinear and highly dispersive wave model is adopted to simulate the evolution and runup of tsunami from deep ocean to coastal shallow region. Scenarios of extreme tsunami in the South China Sea provide the typical tsunami waveform and velocity field along the coastal region. Experimental and numerical results of the runup of the multi-solitary waves and undular bores will be presented and discussed.
Dr. Hua Liu received his first degree and Master degree from Hohai University in 1984 and 1987, respectively, and Ph.D. degree from Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU) in 1991. Since 1991, Dr. Liu has been working at Department of Engineering Mechanics, SJTU, as a lecturer (1991-1993), an associate professor (1993-1998) and a full professor (1998-present). He is currently a distinguished professor of SJTU and the director of Key Laboratory of Hydrodynamics (Ministry of Education of China) at SJTU. He serves as the Chair of Fluid Mechanics Committee of Chinese Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics and a member of the IUTAM Symposium Panel/Fluids. He is also the vice president of Shanghai Society of Hydraulic Engineering and co-chairmen of the executive committee of International Conference in Hydrodynamics. His research interests cover nonlinear water wave dynamics and tsunami, cavitation and cavitating flows. He has published 100+ papers in peer reviewed journals and proceedings of international conferences.
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