Minor of Innovation and Design
A new Minor Programme of Innovation and Design will be offered by the Faculty of Engineering from 2020-2021 academic year and the Department of Mechanical Engineering will administer the programme.
Product design, fabrication, development and manufacturing processes have always been core fields of knowledge and training in engineering. In the acquisition and mastering of these fields of knowledge, students taking this minor programme will have gained valuable opportunities in ‘Experiential Learning’ through ‘hands-on’ projects and accomplished “active learning” by tackling design problems via building concrete models and devices. Knowledge on current topics of science and technologies, e.g. artificial intelligence, computer-aided manufacturing, robotics, 3D printing, design and fabrication, drones and unmanned vehicles, computer programming will also be taught.
Students from STEM (Science Technology Engineering Mathematics) Faculties can fulfill this Minor by taking a specified set of core and elective courses and may apply for an exemption of 12 credits based on equivalent or related courses from their ‘Major’ academic studies. Students without a STEM background can still take a special combination of courses to satisfy the academic requirements.