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Occasional Student

In response to the rising community demand for lifelong learning opportunities, The Department is pleased to offer some of the existing courses of the MSc(Eng) in ME curriculum to non-regular/non-visiting students. To serve the purpose, these students are required to be registered as "Occasional Students" for taking the available courses on a non-credit bearing basis.


A certificate will be issued by the Department for an Occasional Student attending 75% or above of lectures and has satisfied the same assessment requirement of a MSc(Eng) course for a pass grade.  Occasional Students are not regarded as formal students of the University and have no access right to the University’s facilities, for examples, University Health Service, Libraries, Sports Centers, Laboratories etc. but are covered by the Public Liability (Insurance).

Programme Structure & Syllabuses





Registration Form


The composition fee for each course is $12,000 for the academic year 2020-21 (whether in-course assessment and examination are taken or not). Upon successful registration, the participants are requested to indicate by certain deadlines if they will submit assignment(s) and attend examination(s).

Contact for


Ms. Celia Wong

+(852) 3917 2630

Applications for registration as Occasional Students for courses offered by the MSc(Eng) ME curriculum in the First semester of 2020-21 will be considered from 21 August 2020 to 30 August 2020.


Applications for registration as Occasional Students for courses offered by the MSc(Eng) ME curriculum in the Second semester of 2020-21 will be considered from 1 January 2021 to 14 January 2021.

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