Re: General Arrangements on Safety & Health
This document is mounted as and it details the arrangement for safety and health issues of the Department. The following abbreviations are adopted in this document.
COP Code of Practice
DSR Departmental Safety Representative
ME Department of Mechanical Engineering
HoD Head of ME
LSC Laboratory & Safety Committee
SIC Staff-in-charge (the teaching staff in charge of a ME laboratory)
TIC Technician-in-charge (the technical staff in charge of a ME laboratory)
TICS Technician-in-charge of Safety (the technical staff in charge of safety in all ME laboratories.
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1. Preamble
2. LSC and Safety Relevant Staff
3. Managerial/Supervisory Responsibilities
3.1 Supervisory Staff
3.2 Employees and all Students of the University
3.3 HoD
3.4 DSR
3.5 TICS
3.6 Administrative Assistant / Executive Officer
3.7 Departmental Radiation Safety Representative
3.8 Manual Handling Operations Risk Assessor
3.9 Display Screen Equipment Risk Assessor
3.10 SIC
3.11 TIC
3.12 Fire Wardens
3.13 Technical and Office Staff
4.1 Escape Routes
4.2 Fire Fighting Equipment
4.3 Emergency Evacuation
5. Laboratory Safety Regulations
5.1 General Safety
5.2 Chemical Safety
5.3 Liquid Nitrogen Safety
5.4 Safety for using Fume Cupboard
5.5 Radiation Safety
5.6 Biological Safety
5.7 Safe Use of Engineered Nanomaterials
5.8 High-Power Lasers Safety
5.9 Electrical Safety
5.10 Machinery Safety
5.11 Regulations for Contractors
5.12 Managment of boiler,pressure vessel
5.13 Rechargable Battery Safety
6. Safety in Fieldwork, Fieldtrip and Company Visit
6.1 COP for Organizer
6.2 COP for Fieldworker
7. Occupational Health & Safety Induction for New Students & Staff
9. In-house Incidents Reporting Procedure
11. Laboratory Safety Awareness Declaration & Door Access Application
12. Guidelines on Safety Pest Control Operation
1. Preamble
As the Department of Mechanical Engineering (ME), we are committed to excellence in teaching and research, as well as providing valuable service to our local industry and society. We recognize that safety is a crucial component of our mission and have established comprehensive safety arrangements and regulations within our department to ensure the well-being of all members of our community, including staff, students, and visitors.
Our safety policy aims to maintain and improve occupational hygiene standards and practices for all individuals who work, study, or visit our department. In order to cater to the dynamic content in safety, such as news and announcements, safety declarations, and safety training, we have created separate webpages in Moodle.
For research staff, research students, and visitors, please refer to the following webpage for our safety policy: or
For taught postgraduate students, please refer to the following webpage for our safety policy:
We have also outlined the principal safety responsibilities of different staff members, recognizing that safety is a shared responsibility that requires the participation and cooperation of all individuals. We are committed to providing a safe and healthy environment for all members of our community and will continue to review and update our safety policies and practices as necessary to ensure their effectiveness and relevance.
2. LSC and Safety Relevant Staff
The LSC has the following members:
Prof. L.X. Huang (Chairman), Prof. M.X. Huang (HoD), Dr. Scott Chan (DSR) and Dr. James Bok (DSR)
All teaching and technical staff have their own safety responsibilities. The following lists the safety relevant staff who assume more specific safety tasks:
3. Managerial/Supervisory Responsibilities
In this section, the principal safety responsibilities of various parties are indicated. The order does not necessarily reflect decreasing responsibility and importance for safety. Additional descriptions on the responsibilities can be accessed at
3.1 Supervisory Staff
All supervisory staff are responsible for ensuring that any risks to safety and health within their area of responsibility are properly identified and controlled. This responsibility extends beyond the boundaries of the University campus, and includes activities such as field trips and off campus research.
Every staff member (this includes principal investigators and lecturers teaching classes) is responsible for the health and safety of those employees and students under their care. This applies equally to academic and administrative staff as to technical staff;
Staff cannot delegate out of this responsibility and should endeavour to encourage and foster safe working practices in those over whom they have charge;
In cases where safety and health guidelines have not been prepared at Departmental or University level, supervisory staff must ensure that a risk assessment has been completed and appropriate provisions made to eliminate or control the risks.
3.2 Employees and all Students of the University
All members of the University community are required to conduct themselves and to perform their duties in a safe manner so as not to endanger themselves or others who may be affected by their activities. They have a duty to cooperate with the University in order to enable the University to comply with legal and policy requirements that relate to their activities and actions in cases of emergency.
Any accident, dangerous occurrence, property damage, or potential hazard should be brought to the attention of the safety representative of the department or the Safety Office.
3.3 HoD
The Head of Department has overall responsibility for the staff of the ME working in the office and laboratories.
To ensure their health and safety, adequate resources will be provided in order to ensure that healthy and safe working conditions are maintained and that only safe working practices and safe systems of work are adopted by the staff.
To do this, adequate provision will be made to provide sufficient information, instruction, training and supervision to ensure as far as is reasonably practicable the safety and well being of the staff.
In discharging his duties, the Head of Department seeks the co-operation of all employees of the Department in ensuring that all measures designed to safeguard the health and safety of each individual are put into practice.
3.4 DSR
Each department should appoint at least one DSR whose responsibilities are to assist the Head of Department in fulfilling their safety responsibilities and can include (
informing the Head of Department and the Director of Safety of any special hazards in, or new hazards about to be introduced into, the department/unit;
ensuring that new members of the department, including students, are informed of the safety and health policy, standards and procedures;
identifying training needs and conducting activities;
ensuring that means exist for all machinery and equipment to be maintained and used in a safe condition;
ensuring with the assistance of the Director of Safety that first aid, personal protective equipment and safety facilities are provided and properly maintained;
consulting with the Director of Safety, to promote, plan, and direct a regular programme of safety inspections, and participating in such inspections;
ensuring that accidents are reported promptly in accordance with University procedures and reporting any case of non-compliance to the Head;
maintaining liaison with the Director of Safety and the Director of University Health Service; and
investigating accidents and incidents and recommending accident prevention measures to the Head as and when necessary.
ensuring that the technical staff, Departmental Radiation Safety Representative, Chemical Waste Manager, first aiders and the fire wardens are adequately trained, instructed, supervised and informed of any potential hazards associated with the handling, transport and storage of various tools, equipment, chemicals, etc.;
ensuring that laboratories/workshops are maintained in a tidy and well organised condition, and they continue to meeting the health and safety requirements;
ensuring that safety regulations are properly enforced in laboratories/workshops;
ensuring technical staff have appropriate tools, equipment, access to equipment and proper safety gears to enable them to carry out work safely without risks to health;
ensuring that outside staff such as those who do the repairing and maintenance jobs in the laboratories are not put at risk by University operations and conversely to ensure that they do not jeopardise the safety and health of University staff, students, visitors, etc.;
identifying new hazards which may arise due to new equipment, projects, etc. and implementing the relevant safety measures and practices;
updating the Health & Safety Information Placard every six months and whenever new hazard(s) arises;
ensuring that the laboratories/workshops with hazards identified on the placards are visited at least once in every half working day by a technical staff;
ensuring that all machineries in laboratories/workshops conform to the standard of Regulation of The Factory and Industrial Undertakings (Guarding and Operation of Machinery) by proper inspection and maintenance regularly;
3.5 TICS
TICS who is also automatically the Chemical Waste Manager in this Department is responsible for health, safety and welfare of all the technical staff working in the Department. He/she as the immediate supervisor of all technical staff has the full responsibility in their roles in upholding the safety regulations. In particular, his/her responsibilities are:
directing and co-ordinating the handling of chemical wastes as stipulated in "Chemical Waste" at;
enforcing and participating in the In-house Inspection System (see Section 8).
enforcing and observing the In-house Incidents Report Procedure (see Section 9);
enforcing and participating in the Laboratory Safety Awareness Declaration (see Section 11)
3.6 Administrative Assistant / Executive Officer
General duties of the Administrative Assistant / Executive Officer are to ensure that office staff under her control are trained, supervised, instructed and informed of any potential hazards in the general office. In particular, his/her safety responsibilities include:
maintaining the Departmental Office in a tidy and well organised condition.
ensuring the general cleanliness, tidiness and housekeeping is kept to a standard such that none are potential causes of accidents and ill health.
ensuring that electrical equipment for office and pantry equipment is regularly checked for obvious faults and dangers.
ensuring lighting in the office is adequate for work.
ensuring the position of the computer screen does not create uncomfortable viewing and that the design of the computer installation is within acceptable ergonomic standards.
ensuring the fire warden(s) and first aiders(s) who are office staff are properly trained.
3.7 Departmental Radiation Safety Representative
As stipulated in document "Radiation Safety" at, Departmental Radiation Safety Representative should
be responsible for the issue and proper use of monitoring devices;
ensure that records are kept of the usage of radioactive substances;
supervise the preparation of radioactive waste for collection;
provide advice to the Head of Department on departmental radiation hazards and toliaise with the University Radiation Protection Officer
arrange annual leak tests for sealed radioactive sources and functional tests for radiation monitors as appropriate
inform the University Radiation Protection Officer of any changes of Designated Radiation Worker and Users
inform all staff and students within the Department of departmental radiation matters.
3.8 Manual Handling Operation Risks Assessor
It is required by law (Occupational Safety and Health Ordinance) that risk assessment for manual handling operations is necessary. Manual handling operations risk assessor is a qualified assessor within the Department appointed to conduct risk assessment and to assist in carrying out the preventive and protective measures with respect to the Guidance Notes on Manual Handling Operations at
3.9 Display Screen Equipment Risk Assessor
The Display Screen Equipment Risk Assessor is responsible for performing a risk assessment of a Display Screen Equipment in the workplace, which is being used for prolonged periods of time (5 days a week, continuous 4 hours per day) and for providing recommendations in order to ensure that they conform to ergonomic principles.
3.10 SIC
The general duties of the SIC are to ensure that the staff (technical and research), students and visitors working in the laboratories under their supervision are trained, instructed, supervised and informed of any potential hazards (and how to overcome them) which they may be confronted with whilst at work. Their responsibilities also include:
Ensuring the safety and health of the staff, students and visitors, as far as is reasonably practicable, whilst working in areas and laboratories other than their own;
Identifying and upholding the safety regulations applicable to the laboratories;
Identifying the Safety Checklist(s) applicable to the laboratories;
Informing the LSC and the TICS of any special hazards in, or new hazards about to be introduced into the laboratory;
Ensuring staff, students and visitors are aware of the hazard(s) in the laboratory and the applicable safety regulations;
Ensuring proper, adequate and functioning equipment/facilities are available in the laboratory as required by various safety regulations on its activities and inventory;
Maintaining and managing the laboratories in a tidy and well-organized condition that the health and safety requirements are met;
Enforcing and participating in the In-house Inspection System (see Section 8), Incidents Reporting System (see Section 9) and Safety Awareness Declaration (see Section 11).
3.11 TIC
Technicians-in-charge are often the staff working most closely with the laboratory users. Their responsibility includes:
upholding the safety regulations in their laboratories/workshops. If the act of upholding the regulations fails, they should report the incident to the technician, the SIC and the DSR immediately;
being aware of the hazards as well as newly appeared hazards in their respective laboratory/workshop and attending training workshops related to these hazards organized by the Safety Office or elsewhere. In general, these workshops should be re-attended once in three years as refreshments.
maintaining and managing the laboratories/workshops in a tidy and well-organized condition and that the laboratories/workshops continue to meet the health and safety requirements;
ensuring the well-being of all the fire-fighting, safety-related and first-aid equipment materials/facilities and learning how to operate them;
making the hazard(s) known to undergraduate students before the laboratory sessions are started and ensuring that the undergraduate students are closely supervised;
making the hazard(s) known to the contractor and their workers, ensuring that the contractor and their workers sign a record book in which their name, the company name, I.D. Card number, contact telephone number. All work done by the contractor and their workers must be closely supervised;
reporting any accident, injury, near-misses and repeated violations of safety regulations that occurred in their respective laboratory or during the work by following the In-house Incidents Reporting Procedure (see Section 9 ) as soon as possible;
participating in the In-house Inspection System (see Section 8);
implementing the Laboratory Safety Awareness Declaration & Laboratory Access Authorization (see Section 11);
working with First-Aid Box Coordinator to ensure the first-aid box in their respective laboratory contains sufficient quantity of suitable first-aid materials and nothing else;
if there are hazards on the placards of the laboratories/workshops, ensure that the laboratories/workshops are visited at least once every half working day by a technical staff;
3.12 Fire Wardens
The roles of the fire wardens are detailed in the document "Role of Fire Wardens" at On hearing the alarm, each fire warden is requested to:
Immediately put on the "HKU Fire Warden" cap provided by the Safety Office for identification, leave the place of work and encourage others to evacuate.
Check rooms within previously agreed areas to ensure all people have left. If some people are unwilling to leave - do not delay but continue to search for other rooms.
Spur people to leave their place of work and direct them to the appropriate exit.
Note which rooms or areas were not checked due to smoke/fires and inform the fire brigade upon its arrival without delay.
Encourage people to move quickly down the stairwell and out of the building.
Move people away from building exits to the assembly point.
Report any problems (missing persons, non-evacuated staff etc.) to the Fire Officer of the Fire Brigade in charge of the operation directly and without delay.
Identify key holders should the fire brigade wish to enter locked rooms.
A fire warden should under no circumstances be responsible for more than one floor. Appoint sufficient fire wardens for additional floors.
3.13 Technical and Office Staff
All employees of the Department irrespective of status should be familiar with the safety policy of the Department and recognise that they all have a part to play in preventing accidents and incidents of ill health emanating from the workplace. They have the responsibility to cooperate with supervisors and other staff to achieve a healthy and safe workplace and to take reasonable care of themselves and others.
They should not take risks nor carry out procedures or work practices contrary to safe working practices and if they are in any doubt they should raise such items with their immediate supervisor.
In the event that the supervisor does not offer a reasonable solution, the matter must be referred to the Safety Representative and the Head of Department.
4. General Fire Safety
4.1 Escape Routes
The escape routes of each laboratory are posted near the exit, users of the laboratory should be reminded by the TIC to alert this before using the laboratory for the first time.
4.2 Fire Fighting Equipment
Users of the laboratory should be aware of the location of the firefighting equipment.
The fire fighting equipment should be placed in an easily accessible location and free from obstruction.
It is the TIC's responsibility to learn how to operate the fire fighting equipment in his/her laboratory.
4.3 Emergency Evacuation
In an emergency, the TIC and the fire warden have TOTAL authority to evacuate the laboratory. Evacuation orders MUST be followed. If the fire alarm is on, unless it is in testing mode, all individuals must evacuate immediately by following an escape route.
5. Laboratory Safety Regulations
The hazard(s) in the laboratory is(are) identified on the Health & Safety Information Placard posted on the door of the laboratory. Safety regulations and checklists can be viewed at and/or Following is a partial list of the relevant documents and their links:
Action in Case of an Emergency (
Carcinogens (
Chemical Safety in Laboratories (
Chemical Waste (
COP on Users of High-Power Lasers (
Display Screen Equipment (Visual Display Units) (
Health & Safety Information Placard (
Laboratory Fume Cupboards (
Radiation Safety (
Reporting Procedure for Accidents, Dangerous Occurrences & Near Misses (
Work Outside Normal Working Hours (
Inspection Lists extracted can be found below :
The applicable regulations and checklists for a laboratory are specified by the SIC and endorsed by the LSC. Hard copies of the relevant documents from the Safety Office are also kept by the TIC. The information given below is intended to be an outline of the more specific and exhaustive regulations. They should not be regarded as the only applicable regulations.
5.1 General Safety
Hazard(s) in the laboratory are identified on the Health & Safety Information Placard posted outside the laboratory door. The laboratory regulations in this poster should not be treated as exhaustive.
All personnel in this laboratory MUST understand and follow the applicable safety regulations at ALL times. Violation of these regulations is sufficient grounds to revoke the user’s laboratory privilege by the technical staff-in-charge who is responsible to uphold the regulations. If the act of upholding the regulations fails, the technical staff-in-charge should report the incident to the DSR as soon as possible.
Unauthorized experiments are strictly prohibited.
Hazardous areas in the laboratory are identified by yellow/black hazard warning tape. Never perform experiments within these areas alone or use any items inside these areas alone. Eating and drinking within these areas are also prohibited. Operating any equipment with exposed high-speed moving/rotating part(s) after a drug that may cause drowsiness is strictly prohibited.
Long hair MUST be tied. Loosened clothes, shorts and open-toed shoes, such as slippers, pumps and sandals, must NOT be worn. Shoes MUST provide adequate protection of your feet and MUST cover the whole feet. Proper protective gear(s) MUST be worn when working in designated areas.
All chemicals must be treated as poisons and properly labelled. Work with chemicals only when you are familiar with their properties: flammability, reactivity, corrosiveness, toxicity, etc. The endorsement from the technical staff-in-charge must be obtained if you intend to bring any chemical into the laboratory. Unknown chemicals will be expropriated without notice. All waste organic solvents must be disposed in specially marked containers ("WASTE SOLVENTS"). Disposal of organic solvents into the drains is strictly prohibited. Please refer to the material safety data sheets in the laboratory.
All chemicals must be kept safely in their proper place. Spills must be cleaned up immediately and properly. Safety Office should be consulted in the disposal of unidentified chemicals.
Any work involving combustibles, volatile organic compounds, toxic gases, airborne particulates and unpleasant odours must be conducted in ventilating hoods. For maximum protection, the sash should be kept as low as practicable. If no one is working with a ventilating hood, the sash should be shut.
Be aware of the location of the first aid materials/facilities, chemical spill kits, fire-fighting equipment and the fire escape route.
In an emergency, the technical staff and the fire warden have TOTAL authority to evacuate the laboratory. Evacuation orders MUST be followed. If the fire alarm is on, unless it is on testing intermittent mode, all personnel in the laboratory must evacuate immediately.
Report all accidents, injuries (no matter how minor), near-misses and repeated violations of safety regulations to the staff listed in the Health & Safety Information Placard and the Departmental Safety Representatives as soon as possible. (See Section 9 & Section 10)
Be sensible and be alert at all times. The life you save may be yours.
5.2 Chemical Safety
Please follow the rules and guidelines described in the following documents:
Rules and Guidelines on Chemical Safety (
Interim Guidelines on the Safe Use of Engineered Nanomaterials
Documents 2-8 are prepared by HKU Safety Office. Those who fail to comply with the rules and guidelines described in documents 1-8 will have their laboratory access right revoked.
5.3 Liquid Nitrogen Safety
Liquid Nitrogen is extremely cold: -196 Degree Celsius at atmospheric pressure. This can cause severe frostbite. On vaporization it expands by a factor of 700; one liter of liquid nitrogen becomes 24.6 cubic feet of nitrogen gas. This can cause an explosion of a sealed container, or it can displace oxygen in the room and cause suffocation without warning. Liquid Nitrogen can become oxygen-enriched and cause ordinarily noncombustible materials to burn rapidly. Therefore the following precautions should be noted when handling it.
Treat liquid nitrogen and any object cooled with liquid nitrogen with respect.
Take care not to allow liquid nitrogen to be trapped in clothing near the skin.
Wear safety glasses or a face shield when transferring liquid nitrogen. Wear gloves when touching any object cooled by liquid nitrogen. Gloves should be loose fitting, so they could be thrown off if the liquid were to pour inside them.
Use only approved unsealed containers. Never pour it into a coffee thermos. Never seal it in any container (it will explode).
Never dip a hollow tube into liquid nitrogen; it may spurt liquid.
Never use in a small poorly ventilated room, and never dispose of liquid nitrogen by pouring it on the floor. It could displace enough oxygen to cause suffocation. Nitrogen gas is colorless and odorless--the cloud that forms when you pour liquid nitrogen is condensed water vapour from the air, not nitrogen gas.
Do not store liquid nitrogen for long periods in an uncovered container (on the other hand, never totally seal a container). Because the boiling point of oxygen, -183 Degrees C, is above that of nitrogen, oxygen can condense from the air into liquid nitrogen. If the air over the nitrogen circulates, this liquid oxygen can build up to levels which may cause violent reactions with organic materials; even materials which are ordinarily nonflammable. For example, a severe clothing fire could result from ignition in the presence of liquid oxygen.
5.4 Safety for Using Fume Cupboard
The relevant manual/COP/guidance of the Safety Office on fume cupboards can be accessed at (FumCup.pdf).
5.5 Radiation Safety
The relevant manual/guidance of the Safety Office on Radiation can be accessed at: ( Radiation safety). In particular, the following should be noted:
Before using/operating any radioactive substances and irradiating apparatus, the "Designation as a Radiation Worker" must be applied from the Radiation Control Unit of the Safety Office. Without a duly approved designation, an individual must not use/operate radioactive substances and irradiating apparatus.
Access to Controlled Radiation Areas and irradiating apparatus is strictly prohibited unless permission has been granted by the University Radiation Protection Officer or the Departmental Radiation Safety Representative in the case of maintenance service, etc.
When using/operating any radioactive substances and irradiating apparatus, the Safety Measures documented in "Radiation Safety" ( must be observed.
5.6 Biological Safety
The relevant manual/COP/guidance of the Safety Office on biological safety can be accessed at In particular, the following should be noted:
Only persons with appropriate animal licenses are allowed to work with animals. Ethical approval has to be obtained before the work commences. They must be aware of the risks of injury and ill health to themselves, their colleagues and the animals with which they work. They should also follow the policy and procedures as stated in the "Occupational Health Programme for Laboratory Animal Workers" available on the University Health Service (UHS) website.
Never put anything in the mouth whilst in the laboratory and avoid subsequent transfer to items such as food by always washing hands before leaving.
Avoid the likelihood of puncture wounds by careful handling procedures and always keep any breaks in the skin covered whilst in the laboratory.
Care must be taken to minimize the production of aerosols and where infectious aerosols may be generated the work should be carried out in a microbiological safety cabinet.
Place appropriate signs at appropriate areas in the laboratory including the level of containment, restricted access and hand wash only, etc.
Wash hands prior to and following laboratory activities and at any time contamination is suspected.
Disinfect laboratory benches and equipment prior to and at the conclusion of each laboratory session, using an appropriate disinfectant and allowing a suitable contact time. Disinfection should also be used to prevent microbial growth in spent culture fluids and used culture ware.
Biological wastes require specialist disposal. In particular, disinfected wastes should be autoclaved before placing them in appropriate rubbish bags different from those of the general disposal stream. Disposal at the designated garbage collection centre of the University by designated personnel is required.
All broken glassware, syringe needles and other sharps involving biological hazards MUST NOT be disposed of in a rubbish bin but in a yellow sharp box. When the box is full, specialist disposal is required.
Care must be taken when handling and using liquid nitrogen particularly appropriate protection such as wearing thermal gloves and shoes.
Periodic examination of autoclaves must be done. Only designated personnel are allowed to use autoclaves.
5.7 Safe Use of Engineered Nanomaterials
Nanotechnology is finding its way into an increasing number of sectors. Research on nanotechnology also continues to expand rapidly worldwide. Despite the potential benefits nanotechnology will bring, there is also accumulating evidence to suggest that exposure to some engineered nanomaterials may be a health hazard. The Safety Office has compiled a guidance document "Interim Guidelines on the Safe Use of Engineered Nanomaterials" which can be accessed at
5.8 High-Power Lasers Safety
Exposure to high-power laser beams, even for a very short duration, can cause serious and irreversible damage to our eyes or skin, with eyes being more susceptible to laser beam damage. Additionally, there are many other hazards (known as non-beam hazards) associated with the use of laser equipment that are not directly related to exposure to the laser beam. These hazards may be even more dangerous than beam hazards, as they have caused most of the reported deaths.
To ensure safe use of high-power laser equipment, the following steps must be followed:
All users of high-power lasers equipment must attend the relevant safety training.
Unauthorized personnel MUST not enter the Laser Controlled Area, where a high-power laser is located when a high-power laser is operating.
Users should purchase laser devices through TIC or with approval from TIC.
All Class 3B or 4 high power laser devices should be registered in HKU Safety Office, Users should provide all information in the registration form ( Laser registration form) to TIC for registration.
When operating a high-power, the Safety Measures documented in “COP on the User of High-Power Lasers" at (Code Practice) must be observed. Proper safety measures (e.g. enclosures of laser beam, safety interlocks, laser safety goggles, etc.) must be established and in place.
The laser device should stay in the registered laboratory unless TIC approves moving it to another laboratory.
5.9 Electrical Safety
Department users should always refer to the most recent regulation from the EMSD website of the Hong Kong Government at The relevant webpage of the Safety Office on electrical safety regulations is Guidance on electrical safety. In particular, the following should be noted:
Be very careful with electrical equipment and never touch/operate any electrical switch gears if your hands are wet.
All electrical connections must be completely and properly insulated and grounded. All conducting wires must be adequately concealed.
The installation/repair of any apparatus operating at above 50V a.c. or 120V d.c. must not be done by any laboratory personnel unless he/she is an approved licensed electrician "A" holder or above from the Electrical and Mechanical Services Department. Otherwise, all such installations/repairs must be performed by a licensed contractor or an electrician from Estates Office.
For portable apparatus operating at above 50V a.c. or 120V d.c., its flexible wires must either be permanently fixed to the power supply outlet or alternatively, its connection to the power supply must be made through properly constructed plug and socket, the use of combination sockets is not recommended for heavy current equipment.
Where any part of a portable apparatus is made of metal and not of a double insulation type; the portable apparatus must be effectively earthed; and inspected every 6 months for loose connection and fault. All high-voltage equipment and appliances must bear the "High Voltage" warning label.
A warning notice in 50 mm red characters and letters and white background bearing the following words must be displayed in a visible position at or near any conductor, apparatus or switchboard being worked on:
7. Technical staff, including the Electrical and Fire Safety Manager, have the responsibility to ensure that all electrical
installations and devices in laboratories, workshops, and offices are up to standard and safe for use, if they detect any
substandard electrical adaptors or extension units, they have the right to suspend any activity or experiment that involves
them and collect them to replace them with safe and appropriate ones, this measure is taken to prevent any potential
accidents or hazards that may arise from the use of substandard electrical installations and electrical devices.
5.10 Machinery Safety
The relevant manual/COP/guidance of the Safety Office on machinery safety can be accessed at Machine Safety. In particular, the following should be noted:
All users of machinery must wear safety spectacles. Long hair and lose clothing must be tied. Suitable personal protective equipment should be worn.
Never put your hands/fingers or any part of your body near the moving parts or in the path of motion of machinery.
All machine guards must be inspected and maintained periodically to ensure it conforms to the standard of above said regulations at all times.
Only students with machine workshop training recognized and endorsed by the Department are allowed to operate any machinery without supervision. Moreover, these students must never work alone.
5.11 Regulations for Contractors
The contractor is allowed to work in the laboratories with identified hazard(s) if they have signed on the record book. The record book should bear their name, the company name, and I.D. Card number, contact telephone number.
The TIC should inform the contractor of the hazardous areas, equipment and substances in the laboratory and what precautions they should take.
All work carried out within the laboratory should be closely supervised by the TIC or SIC.
5.12 Management of boiler, pressure vessel
The use and operation of boilers and pressure vessels are regulated in Hong Kong. According to the Boilers and Pressure Vessels Ordinance (Cap 56: ), the following steps must be followed for purchasing, registering, and operating boilers and pressure vessels:
Purchase: When purchasing a boiler or pressure vessel, ensure that it meets the requirements set by the Ordinance. Additionally, the purchase needs to be approved by the TIC or DSR.
Certification: Before a boiler or pressure vessel is put into use, it must be certified by a government-appointed examiner in accordance with the Ordinance.
Registration: After certification, the boiler or pressure vessel must be registered as per the requirements of the Ordinance.
Periodic Examination: Regular examinations are mandatory for boilers and pressure vessels (every 14 months for boilers and every 26 months for air/steam receivers). These examinations must be conducted by a government-appointed examiner.
User Operation: All new users need to contact the boiler/pressure vessel supervisor to receive basic training on the safe use of these devices.
The boiler or pressure vessel should stay in the registered laboratory unless TIC approves moving it to another laboratory.
5.13 Rechargable Battery Safety
This guideline is applicable to rechargeable batteries (“batteries”) and battery chargers, including those of electric hand tools.
Batteries with ageing and abuse signs should not be used. These signs include but are not limited to deformations of the battery cases typically due to swelling and dropping, excessive wearing of the battering cases, batteries drying out appreciably quicker than normal, and charging appreciably slower than normal.
Faulty and partially faulty chargers should not be used.
Before charging the rechargeable battery, users should carefully read its specifications and ensure that the charging current is reasonably lower than the maximum level. Charging at a lower current is always safer and recommended for the longevity of the battery.
Unattended and overnight charging of batteries are prohibited. Users should regularly check the status of rechargeable batteries (e.g. voltage and temperature) when they are charging the rechargeable battery.
Batteries should be acquired and purchased from reliable suppliers. Only batteries chargers from reputable brands and trustworthy suppliers can be used.
Users must ensure that all battery charging is carried out in designated charging cabinets provided by the laboratory, and that the cabinet doors are closed during the charging process. Technical staff are authorized to stop any charging process that is being conducted outside of the designated cabinets, and users must comply with any instructions given by technical staff regarding battery charging activities.
If the charging cabinet alarm sounds, or if the battery starts to smolder or catch fire, it is important to immediately and safely disconnect the electricity supply. In case of an emergency, all personnel in the affected laboratory should evacuate the area without delay and contact the University's Security Control at 3917 2882 or dial 999.
Users are recommended to read the following reference materials on battery safety:
Use and Maintenance of Rechargeable Battery by Labour Department of Hong Kong
6. Fieldwork, Fieldtrip & Company Visit
Fieldwork, field trip and company visit include the teaching, learning and/or research activities (the activity) organized by the Department or its academic staff in sites which are not under the Department's control but where the Department is responsible for the safety of its staff and/or students and others exposed to the activity.
For simplicity, staff and/or students participating in the activity are here referred to as field workers.
6.1 COP for Organizer
Organizers of fieldwork, field trip and/or company visit should be academic staff of the Department. The organizer is responsible to the Head of the Department for ensuring that adequate safety arrangements exist and are observed by participants. The suggested codes of practice for the organizer include:
informing the Department Head of the itinerary, timetable, names and number of the fieldworkers and purpose of the activity at least three working days beforehand by submitting a Fieldwork Record Form;
obtaining written/email permission from the site owner or its representative who should be clearly informed of the purpose of the activity;
if the work is in a remote, unsafe and/or hazardous environment, depositing the itinerary with a suitable person or authority, such as the local police;
planning the activity including method of transport, route and schedule (a pre-visit may be useful);
identifying the adequate and appropriate protective gear for the activity, they may include safety helmets, eye/face protection, ear defenders, respiratory protection, gloves, additional foot protection, reflective/fluorescent clothing, torch, etc.;
avoiding the fieldworker from working alone as far as possible;
anticipating any risk and hazard (including adverse weather), and formulating precautions and emergency plan(s);
if necessary, appointing a suitable number of competent leaders to assist in supervising the activity;
arranging suitable lines of communication (including frequency) among the fieldworkers and with the Department, and formulating procedures to follow if the communication breaks;
if applicable, prepare the next-of-kin telephone list of the fieldworkers and present a copy to the Department.
ensuring fieldworkers are adequately covered by the insurance policy of the University, the site owner and/or the owner of the transportation vehicle;
reporting and investigating accidents encountered in the activity;
finding out and informing the fieldworker of the local telephone number for emergency services (e.g. 999 for Hong Kong)
6.2 COP for Fieldworker
The suggested codes of practice for fieldworkers include:
carrying adequately charged mobiles phone, screech alarm and the University Identity Card;
heeding, understanding and observing any instruction given by the organizer or the appointed leader(s);
observing all safety regulations applicable to the activity site;
reducing the number of valuables such as credit cards, expensive jewellery or watches to be carried;
bringing any questions and problems (including medical problems) to the attention of the organizer or the appointed leader(s);
wearing appropriate and functioning protective gear identified by the organizer;
being aware of the lines of communication (including frequency) among the fieldworkers and with the Department, emergency arrangements and the means of contacting the local emergency services.
reporting all accidents and incidents to the organizer and/or the Departmental Head;
7. Occupational Health & Safety Induction for New Staff & Students
Upon arrival, all new staff are requested to complete the Occupational Health & Safety Induction Form to indicate the coverage of relevant information provided. The form must be returned to the respective supervisor or DSR for endorsement within three weeks. Meanwhile, the webpage has been set up to provide the new staff with some brief information and www links related to the issues in the form.
Briefing on occupational health and laboratory safety is currently offered to undergraduate students and taught to postgraduate students in the Academic Orientation. Seminar on Safety is also a part of the Engineering Training (MECH2418).
Since 2016 April, a procedure of Safety Declaration for Research Higher Degrees has been introduced by Safety Office to ensure the research postgraduate student (RPG) and his/her supervisor to systematically evaluate the risks involved in their project and take proactive steps to control them. Under this policy, the new student should duly complete Form SD1 (v.2015) with the endorsement from his/her supervisor and return the form to DSR for the record. For more detail, please refer to "A Guide to Safety Declaration for Research Higher Degrees" and "Information and Guidance on Safety Declaration for Research Higher Degrees"
8. In-house Inspection System
In-house Inspection is conducted at approximately 6-month intervals. Each laboratory/office has its own checklist(s) which is specified by the teaching SIC and endorsed by the LSC. In each inspection, the administrative or technical SIC would go through the applicable checklist(s) among:
High Power Laser (Class 3b and/or 4)
and complete the Report Summary for Inhouse Safety Inspection before the Inhouse Safety Inspection Team visits the laboratory/office.
9. In-house Incidents Reporting Procedure
Incidents here refer to health and safety-related accidents, injuries, near misses, repeated violations of safety regulations, etc. All incidents must be reported to the Department as soon as possible in one of the following two ways:
The user verbally reports the incident to one of the staff in the Health & Safety Placard on the door of the Laboratory. The user and the latter should then agree on whom among themselves would notify the Department.
The user reports the incident directly to the Department.
In both ways, the user may check the link. "Report Incident" which would lead to an MS Outlook email with all the key safety-relevant staff (;;;; ) as the recipients. The email report should be concise but include the following information:
Time and Date of incident
Location of the incident
Name(s) of Student/Staff/Visitor involved
Staff-in-charge of the Incident Location
Description of the Incident
Medical Treatment and Medical Leave
Nature of the incident (e.g. accidents, injuries, near misses, repeated violations of safety regulations)
Your telephone number
For emergencies, the Security Office of the University at Tel. 3917 2882 or even 999, if applicable, should be contacted directly.
10. Injuries to be Reported
The Head of the Department needs to report any work-related injury (including those on outsiders) leading to temporary or permanent loss of work capacity to the Human Resources Section of the Registry and the Safety Office. In practice, it may be difficult to judge whether a minor injury leads to any loss of work capacity. So the policy of the University is that staff, students and visitors are encouraged to report all work-related injuries. In particular, the injured MUST notify the Department if he/she sought medical treatment from any hospital, medical clinic or practitioner no matter how minor the injury is.
11. Laboratory Safety Awareness Declaration & Door Access Application
Before accessing the laboratory, all laboratory users must make a declaration and express their understanding of the risks and hazards present in the laboratory. This is necessary to ensure that all laboratory users are aware of the potential hazards present in the laboratory and are taking appropriate measures to mitigate them. This procedure is done through an online application process using the MECH User Management System (MUMS). This declaration must be endorsed by the user's supervisor before it is submitted to the staff-in-charge for final endorsement. The technical staff in charge of the lab will be notified of the application and endorsements and will process the application in the door access system in a timely manner.
For department shared labs (e.g. HWG13, HWG13A and COBLG03_2), all laboratory users must attend a briefing organized by the TIC of the lab and complete any required quizzes or assessments on Moodle page Users must demonstrate their understanding of the house rules, hazards and safety procedures specific to the lab by passing the assessment. The safety briefing will cover the specific hazards and safety protocols relevant to the lab, as well as any additional requirements or restrictions for using the lab. Users who do not attend the briefing or pass any required assessments may be denied access to the lab.
Capstone project students or Taught Postgraduate Students, who work in group of three or above, should use the form “Smart Card Access (Group Users) Application Form”:
Users should read the temp card application in
Users should read “Notes on Staff/Student Card and Door Access System” in
12. Guidelines on Safe Pest Control Operation
Please read the guidelines on safety pest control operations at (PestCont.pdf).
Revised in July 2024