Lu P.
Assistant Professor
HW 7-37
+(852) 3910 2548
+(852) 3910 2548
HW 7-37
HW 7-37
Prof. Peng Lu obtained his BSc degree in automatic control and MSc degree in nonlinear flight control both from Northwestern Polytechnical University (NPU). He continued his journey on flight control at Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) where he received his PhD degree in 2016. After that, he shifted a bit from flight control and started to explore control for ground/construction robotics at ETH Zurich (ADRL lab) as a Postdoc researcher in 2016. He also had a short but nice journey at University of Zurich & ETH Zurich (RPG group) where he was working on vision-based control for UAVs as a Postdoc researcher. He was an assistant professor in autonomous UAVs and robotics at Hong Kong Polytechnic University prior to joining the University of Hong Kong in 2020.
Prof. Lu has received several awards such as 3rd place in 2019 IROS autonomous drone racing competition and best graduate student paper finalist in AIAA GNC (top conference in aerospace). He serves as an associate editor for 2020 IROS (top conference in robotics) and session chair/co-chair for conferences like IROS and AIAA GNC for several times. He also gave a number of invited/keynote speeches at multiple conferences, universities and research institutes.
Research Areas
Autonomous UAVs including vision, planning and control
Vision and control for ground robotics such as manipulators and walking robots
Advanced control techniques such as fault-tolerant control, model-based control, and deep reinforcement learning control
Research Projects