Lu Y.
Chair Professor of Nanomechanics, Associate Dean
HW 7-03
+(852) 3910 2155
+(852) 3910 2155
HW 7-03
HW 7-03
Prof. Yang Lu is currently Chair Professor of Nanomechanics in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, and Associate Dean (Mainland Affairs) in the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Hong Kong (HKU). He received his BS degree in Physics from Nanjing University and PhD degree in Mechanical Engineering from Rice University, and did his postdoctoral research in the Nanomechanics Lab at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). He joined HKU in 2022 as HKU-100 Scholar Professor in Mechanical Engineering. Previously, he worked at City University of Hong Kong as Assistant, Associate, and Full Professor in Mechanical Engineering. Prof. Lu’s research interests focus on Experimental Nanomechanics and Nano-Manufacturing. He has published more than 250 journal articles and serves as Associate Editor for Materials Today since 2017. Prof. Lu is a recipient of UGC Early Career Award 2013/14, the inaugural NSFC Excellent Young Scientists Fund (Hong Kong and Macau) 2019 and the RGC Research Fellow scheme (RFS) 2020/21. He is an elected member of the Hong Kong Young Academy of Sciences (YASHK) since 2022.
Research Areas
in situ Electron Microscopy
Mechanical Metamaterial
Strain Engineering
Research Projects
Selected Publications
10 X Li, Y Meng, W Li, J Zhang, C Dang, SW Hung, R Fan, FR Chen*, S Zhao*, JC Ho*, Y Lu* “Multislip-enabled morphing of all-inorganic perovskites” Nature Materials 22, 1175-1181, 2023
9 V Karthikeyan, JU Surjadi, X Li, R Fan, VCS Theja, WJ Li, Y Lu*, VAL Roy* “Three dimensional architected thermoelectric devices with high toughness and power conversion efficiency” Nature Communications 14: 2069, 2023
8 H Ye, Q Liu, J Cheng, H Li, B Jian, R Wang, Z Sun, Y Lu*, Q Ge* “Multimaterial 3D printed self-locking thick-panel origami metamaterials” Nature Communications 14: 1607, 2023
7 JU Surjadi, Y Lu* “Design criteria for tough metamaterials” Nature Materials 21, 272–274, 2022
6 C Dang, JP Chou, B Dai, CT Chou, Y Yang, R Fan, W Lin, F Meng, A Hu*, J Zhu*, J Han, A M Minor, J Li*, Y Lu* “Achieving large uniform tensile elasticity in microfabricated diamond” Science 371 (6524), 76-78, 2021
5 N Zhang, X Feng, D Rao, X Deng, L Cai, B Qiu, R Long, Y Xiong, Y Lu*, Y Chai* “Lattice oxygen activation enabled by high-valence metal sites for enhanced water oxidation” Nature Communications 11: 4066, 2020
4 K Cao, S Feng, Y Han, L Gao, TH Ly, Z Xu*, Y Lu* “Elastic straining of free-standing monolayer graphene” Nature Communications 11: 284, 2020
3 A Banerjee, D Bernoulli, H Zhang, MF Yuen, J Liu, J Dong, F Ding, J Lu, M Dao*, W Zhang*, Y Lu*, S Suresh* "Ultralarge elastic deformation of nanoscale diamond" Science 360 (6386), 300-302, 2018
2 H Zhang, J Tersoff, S Xu, H Chen, Q Zhang, K Zhang, Y Yang, CS Lee, KN Tu*, J Li*, Y Lu* "Approaching the ideal elastic strain limit in silicon nanowires" Science Advances 2: e1501382, 2016
1 Y Lu, JY Huang, C Wang, S Sun, J Lou* "Cold welding of ultrathin gold nanowires" Nature Nanotechnology5 (3), 218-224, 2010