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Biomedical Innovation and Outreach Programme (B.I.O.2022)

Biomedical Innovation and Outreach Programme (B.I.O.2022)

Biomedical Innovation and Outreach Programme (B.I.O.2022) has successfully been held throughout June and July. Aiming at exposing students to biomedical advancement in both academia and industry, and establishing a platform for connection, communication, collaboration and commercialization, an international conference in hybrid mode has attracted over 150 attendees whereas the outreach activities have served over 170 participants.

International conference and outreach activities

The international conference featured keynote talks by both local and international distinguished biomedical researchers as well as members of the signature biomedical industry. The conference covered the cutting-edge advances in bio/health imaging technology, advanced materials and medical devices, in celebration of the translation of biomedical innovations into fully comprehended applications.

Alongside with the conference, biomedical researchers were connected to the local enterprises and mentors via outreach activities, including Mentor Chat Room, Site Visit and Research Presentation Clinic. A supportive mentor-mentee network has been established to foster sustainable development for the biomedical community in Hong Kong and overseas.

Fruitful outcomes of B.I.O.2022

B.I.O.2022 has served as a bridge between academia, industry, students and researchers. Positive feedback from speakers, mentors and participants has been received with huge appreciation. A supportive network has been built between mentees and mentors extended from within Hong Kong to different places in Europe and North America.

During the conference and other outreach events, individual students have proactively approached the researchers. B.I.O.2022 has assisted students in further exploration with the researchers and scholars. As a result, some speakers even invite these students to visit their workplaces, giving them opportunities to understand the clinical applications in practice.

In site visits, several students have developed strong interest in some specific research projects showcased. These students, with matching interest and skill sets, have swiftly landed research positions and joined the lab afterwards.

B.I.O.2022 Committees, Dr Sibyl SY Mak and Professor Anderson HC Shum from HKU ME and Dr Joseph YK Chan from HKU Ophthalmology, hope that the connection initiated is just a starting point and the vibe will continue to leverage impactful influence on the biomedical community.

For more details, please click here.

B.I.O.2022 Conference in hybrid mode

Opening Speech by Prof Anderson Shum

Mentor Chat Room

Site Visit

B.I.O.2022 Conference Chair Dr Sibyl Mak and Student Committee

Acknowledgement: B.I.O.2022 is organized by the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, the University of Hong Kong and is funded and sponsored by Innovation and Technology Fund and Koln 3D Technology (Medical) Limited.

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