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Dr Ka-Wai Kwok receives Young Professional Award in robotics flagship conference, IROS

IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) is a premier flagship academic conference in robotics. This year, the conference has attracted >24K online registrations to participate the virtual event due to the pandemic.

For Dr Ka-Wai Kwok’s contributions to the advancement of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) guided robotic systems, he recently receives IROS Toshio Fukuda Young Professional Award. This award honours Professor Toshio Fukuda, the Founding Chair of IROS in 1988, and the IEEE President in 2020. It recognizes individuals from academic institutions, government, industry, or research laboratories, who, in their early career, have made identifiable contributions that have had a major impact on intelligent robots and systems. Up to two individuals will be awarded annually at the Conference. Dr. Kwok is the only recipient for IROS 2020.

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