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HKU scholars awarded Croucher Senior Research Fellowships

Three distinguished scholars from the University of Hong Kong (HKU) were presented with Croucher Senior Research Fellowships by the Croucher Foundation on December 8. Professor Mingxin Huang, Department of Mechanical Engineering, awarded Croucher Senior Research Fellowships 2022.

Professor Huang’s research mainly focuses on the development of high-performance metals. Professor Huang’s team invented the Super Steel. It creates two world-records for strength-ductility and strength-toughness combinations, and invented the world’s first anti-COVID-19 stainless steel that has been licensed to industry for production of daily products. He will continue to research on high-performance alloys including lightweight magnesium alloys for potential automobile and aerospace applications, which is financially supported by this Croucher Award. (Please click here for Professor Mingxin HUANG’s biography)

The Croucher Senior Research Fellowships are presented to local academics in recognition of their excellent scientific research. The awards are granted after a robust process involving a paper selection exercise, detailed international peer review and long discussions between Trustees. The value of each Senior Research Fellowship, including the cost of a replacement teacher, is about HK$3 million.

Congratulations to all the awardees!

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