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Mr. Haoran Sun wins the best poster award at the E-MRS 2019 Spring Meeting

Haoran SUN, a final-year PhD student supervised by Professor Min Wang in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, has won the Best Poster Award at the European Materials Research Society (E-MRS) 2019 Spring Meeting which was held from May 27 to 31, 2019, in Nice, France. This international conference was organized by E-MRS in conjunction with the International Conference on Advanced Materials (ICAM) of the International Union of Materials Research Societies (IUMRS). Its scientific programme highlighted the latest advances in materials research in the world, with a strong emphasis on interdisciplinary research in both fundamental and applied areas. It had 28 symposia in 6 topical clusters, including the Bio- and Soft Materials cluster. The number of attendees of an E-MRS Spring Meeting is normally between 2000 and 3000, with many delegates from countries in the Far-East (China, Japan, Korea, etc.)

Haoran Sun’s poster presentation in this conference is entitled “Cell Proliferation and Migration in Bicontinuous Bijels-derived Hybrid Hydrogel Membranes”, which is based on his PhD research on bijels and bijels-derived structures that have been conducted in HKU. Bicontinuous interfacially jammed emulsion gels (“bijels”) are soft matters consisting of two interpenetrating continuous liquid phases. The unique bicontinuous phase morphologies and other properties of bijels present bijels and also bijels-derived materials for many potential applications, including microreactors, fuel cells, and tissue engineering. Haoran Sun’s PhD project centers on the synthesis of bijels and application of bijels-derived structures in tissue engineering.

Haoran Sun with his poster and poster award certificate at the E-MRS 2019 Spring Meeting in Nice, France.

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