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Professor Yuguo Li awarded Medal of Honor by the Government

The HKSAR Government announced the 2021 Honours List. Professor Li Yuguo, Chair Professor of Building Environment in the Department of Mechanical Engineering was awarded the Medal of Honour (MH) in recognition of their contributions in fighting against COVID-19.

Professor Li is an expert in ventilation of indoor environments with a focus on environmental transmission of diseases, is awarded MH in recognition of his valuable contribution to leading his team to examine the potential airborne transmission pathways through tracer gas testing and assess the risk of virus infection during the COVID-19 epidemic.

Besides Professor Li, his research teams were awarded Chief Executive’s Commendation for Community Service for their outstanding contribution to the fight against COVID-19. The awardees include:

Professor Li's research team:

Dr Wang Qun Dr Xiao Shenglan Dr Zhang Nan Dr Zhao Pengcheng Miss Chen Wenzhao Mr Chan Pak-to, Jack Miss Cheng Pan Mr Dung Chung-hin Mr Jia Wei Mr Miao Te Mr Wang Peihua Miss Wang Zixuan Mr Zhang Cheng

Congratulations to all the awardees!

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