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Professor Min Wang was honoured by two top academic institutions for his outstanding contributions

Congratulations to Professor Min Wang of the Department of Mechanical Engineering for being honoured as Fellow of the Chinese Society for Biomaterials and Fellow of the American Ceramic Society. Details as below.

Fellow of the Chinese Society for BiomaterialsFellow of the Chinese Society for Biomaterials is the highest honour awarded to Chinese Society for Biomaterials (CSBM) members in recognition of their outstanding contributions to the research and development of biomaterials.

CSBM aims to promote the development of biomaterial science, education, clinical applications, and industry in China and to facilitate international exchange and cooperation in the field of biomaterials science and technology.

For more details, please visit here.

Fellow of the American Ceramic SocietyFellow of the American Ceramic Society is the recognition of individual member’s outstanding contributions to the ceramic arts or sciences, broad and productive scholarship in ceramic science and technology, and outstanding service to the society.

Founded in 1898, ACerS is a leading professional society in the international ceramics community and has 10,000-plus members in more than 70 countries. It focuses on scientific research, emerging technologies and applications of ceramics around the globe.

For more details, please visit here.

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