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Tuning instability in suspended monolayer 2D materials

Professor Yang Lu's team achieved quantitatively tuning instability in suspended 2D materials including monolayer graphene and MoS2 by employing a push-to-shear nanomechanical strategy. The tunable instability behavior of suspended monolayer 2D materials not only allows measuring their bending stiffness but also opens up new opportunities for programming the nanoscale straining patterns and even physical properties of such atomically thin films for device applications.

The research findings were recently published in Nature Communications on May 13, 2024.

Details of the publication:

Tuning instability in suspended monolayer 2D materials

Yuan Hou, Jingzhuo Zhou, Zezhou He, Juzheng Chen, Mengya Zhu, HengAn Wu & Yang Lu, article in Nature Communications

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