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Cost-effective bio-printing of tissue engineering scaffolds using a 3D printer developed from a MakerBot Replicator 2X


The Medical Engineering Lab in the Faculty of Engineering is a dual-purpose (teaching and research) lab and was opened in 2005. This lab was set up for HKU’s interfaculty B.Eng. in Medical Engineering Programme and has been supported by HKU’s University Development Fund, Faculty of Engineering and Department of Mechanical Engineering. It technically belongs to the Faculty of Engineering and is administered by the Mechanical Engineering staff. It is used for lab session of courses of the BEng (MedE) programme and for this programme’s undergraduate final-year projects. It may be used in the future by some Level 3 ME projects of a biomedical engineering nature. Research students supervised by some Mechanical Engineering staff also use facilities in this lab for their research projects.


This laboratory hosts facilities for teaching and research in biomaterials, biomechanics and tissue engineering. They include the facility for synthesizing nano-sized bioceramic particles, vibratory sieve-shaker, high temperature furnace, hydraulic press, vacuum oven, water purification system, freeze-dryer, cutting/grinding/polishing equipment, mechanical testing machine, micropipette system, cell culture facility, bioreactors, etc. Other research facilities for biomaterials, biomechanics, and tissue engineering are housed in a few other labs in the Department of Mechanical Engineering.



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